Officer Blog: Communications Officer: Eiman Elsir

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our Communications Officer, Eiman Elsir, from Kildare.

I wanted to pursue the role of Comms Officer for the union, because I wanted to make sure that the students we are doing all this incredible work for, are actually aware of it and to help create as much engaging content as possible!

During my term, we’ve set up the new and improved  ISSU website and kept it up to date with content. We created the ISSU email newsletter where we send monthly updates to over 500 subscribers! As well as that we are receiving maximum engagement on all platforms especially Instagram! 

I’ve really enjoyed doing communications for ISSU. I wouldn’t consider myself a very creative person, but I’ve surprised myself and gained so much confidence in making graphics and navigating social media. 

Being on the NSE has given me so many skills you just cannot learn in a classroom, and I’ve managed to make so many friends and have a great time as well. One of my favourite memories has to be the Skills Academy we run every year, it was my first ISSU event back in 2017 and to come back as an NSE Officer was really incredible.

If you’re thinking of running for the NSE make sure to keep an open mind and to enjoy the time you have. The year flies by so make sure to give it 100% all the way through. Throughout the year you will learn so much so make sure to soak it all up and ask questions! 


For more info on how to run for the NSE click here. Remember deadline to nominate yourself is 26th of April.


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