Officer Blog: International Officer- Nadine Toye

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our International Officer, Nadine Toye from Donegal

This time last year I was preparing to run a campaign to get elected as the International Officerof ISSU. There were a number of reasons why I was running, but the biggest one was my love for international work and my belief that second-level students have to be represented to highest standard internationally. Throughout my term I have immersed myself into the world of international student politics and I've gained so many new experiences and knowledge that I was always able to bring back for the benefit of ISSU and second-level students in Ireland. To anyone that is considering running for international officer 2020-2021 I would say that you have to be prepared to put in the work, and a lot of it too! But everything that you put in comes back to you tenfold and it is so so worth it. As I said in my speech at last years Annual Assembly, being international officer is not a ticket to go sightseeing, it is instead an opportunity to work extremely hard for a cause that you believe in, while meeting amazing people and lifelong friends along the way. My favorite NSE memory of the year was definitely when we went ice skating together in December and I didn't have a clue what I was doing, hanging on to Gearoid and Eiman for dear life as the two of them dragged me around the rink! For me, being on the NSE for the past two years has given me a family of some of the best people dotted all around the country and that's why I would always recommend to everyone to get more involved with ISSU. 


For more info on how to run for the NSE click here. Remember deadline to nominate yourself is the 26th or April!


Officer Blog: Equality Officer - Eric Ehigie


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