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Junior Cert Irish

Mark - Higher Level

 So I came into the school this morning to start Irish paper 1, which I felt confident in. The aural went great overall and thankfully there weren't any issues such as heavy rain! So at least we're getting something from the good weather. After we got the listening art finished I skipped through to the grammar questions, changing a paragraph to the aimsir chaite was beyond easy :)I then chose to do an essay on an incident that happened when you were working in a shop (In my case this was a fire, which I had prepared loads on so I jumped with joy to see that it was based indoors). I began planning it out and writing down a list a phrases that I should include in it and I managed to get more than enough of them into it. Then I came back to the reading comprehensions, which I usually dread, but fortunately they were manageable and I think I did great in them. So I was entering into paper two very confidently, even if Irish isn't my strongest subject.Now I really dislike paper two usually but that's mainly due to the unstudied poetry and unstudied story. So I decided to get the studied poem and story done first and the choices of themes and type of people suited mine perfectly.  Then of course we had the choices of letters to do, where I chose B which was about you being a member of a band. That was no big deal and was a bit too easy really. And then came the unstudied questions... Not the best part of the exam. But I gave it a good guess anyway so hopefully it didn't do too much damage. Then of course I have the marks from the oral too. Overall, I'm feeling confident with my Irish exam. Geography and Maths paper 1 is next up 

Katelyn - Higher Level

 This paper wasn't a bad one. The tape was reasonable and the reading comprehensions were manageable. The Aimsir Chaite came up for the blog. It made my day. The scéal options were very good as-well. Overall, it wasn't a bad paper. I was quiet pleased coming out.  Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.

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Leaving Cert English Paper 2

Jessica - Higher Level

 After nervously waiting for the longest five minutes of my life to pass I raced straight to the poetry section. I couldn't stop smiling after finding Bishop, Plath AND Mahon! I was spoilt for choice! I went with Mahon having spent far too long deliberating. I felt it was such a nice question!Next I turned my attention to the dreaded comparative. I was however happy see both theme or issue and cultural context! I chose the first question of theme or issue. I was intrigued by it as none of the past questions were anything like it!I went to Macbeth next to find a character question and couldn't have been any happier!I had just about enough time for the unseen poetry which I found to be quite hard but it's only 20 marks so I refuse to get bogged down over it!Over all it was a very fair paper and I'm happy :) 

Jenny - Higher Level

 What a Paper 2! I think everyone was dreading to see what would come up on the paper today especially which poets would make an appearance. As we all rushed to open the paper and look at the names of the poets there was an immediate sigh of relief throughout the room. Two women poets! (And Mahon and Hopkins)... Who would have thought!?With a weight off my shoulders and circling the number beside Bishop, I returned to the first page and began the paper.Our single text was Macbeth and the questions didn't seem too bad. I chose the question on the significant insights we gain into Macbeth's mind and how its critical in shaping our understanding of his character. For the comparative study I was delighted that Theme or Issue appeared as I wasn't entirely prepared for Cultural Context or Literary Genre.The unseen poem didn't look too bad at first but I think I may have interpreted it wrong... still they can't say my "personal response" was wrong can they?And then finally I moved onto the last question and started my essay on Elizabeth Bishop. I thought I had my timing right but I found myself rushing at the end and ending it quite abruptly.Altogether I thought it was a quite nice paper. Everything I had studied came up thankfully and although I think I made a few mistakes, it feels good knowing that I'll never have to do an English exam ever again. Now time to go and burn those books... and prepare for maths of course! 

Dylan - Higher Level


I am alive and mentally stable. You've guessed it, I have been in luck. The beautiful Sylvia appealed to the reader once again and came up on today's paper two. I was so nervous before today's paper. Not to the extent of overdosing on rescue remedy or puking in my exam hall but I was still questioning the fairness of SEC after last year's disaster! Once I received the paper there was a shuffle to the poetry section to find out which pets came up. Julie Johnson you are a legend of a teacher, covering five poets with us and all four came up. You say you're a betting women and now I agree.
After my moment of excitement my focus shifted to the Macbeth question of which I completely waffled through. I made it personal, I put a few big words in the right context in and I used the keywords of the question. Did what I was writing make sense? I don't think so however, it is my friend in the SEC that will decide that. Will he read my question vigorously or will he scan and look for keywords, structure and key points? I will know on August 14th.
As I jumped on to the Comparative, I chose the Theme and Issue question which was the long 70 mark question. I am too lazy to do the 40 and 30 mark question. It's too annoying. The question I answered was about a theme that enables a reader to form both personal and universal reflections. Why did I answer on it? I don't know. I really don't.
Seven pages later I finished up with a sweaty hand and a mixed opinion. My big time to shine came. I turned the page and was greeted by the legend Sylvia. Her provocative imagery and intense emotions came up so armed with my pen and a mind full of ideas I began to write and pretty much verbally seduce the work of Sylvia for a good four pages discussing how she was the first person who made people realise they could relate to a piece of literature and how she connected with me. We really do have a connection. I promise.  Five pages of adoring good aul Sylv and feeling extremely sorry for her, I moseyed onto the Unseen section. Spirits were high, my favourite poet came up and every other poet I had studied so I was excited. Sadly I got too excited whilst writing on herself when noticing that I had seven minutes to write my unseen ramble. What was that poem? Why was the punctuation so poor and why wasn't there any basic techniques.
One more thing that I really need to ask is WHY WASN'T THERE A PERSONAL RESPONSE QUESTION IN PART 2 LIKE THERE ALWAYS IS. That just sickened me. With seven minutes to go I barely read the poem and started completely bluffing about how the poem had a huge influence on me and how I conencted with the poet. I don't even remember who the poet was or to make things better I didn't even read the poem. It's sad but it's true, you are not able to write on an unseen poem in 7 minutes. As I was scanning the poem looking for obvious techniques the time was up and aul Betty was on her way around to collect the papers. I wasn't finished. I wasn't nearly finished. I started writing more but that didn't work. The paper was pulled from me and it was all over. What a daunting experience.
Maths tomorrow I hope they ask my opinion on climate change like last year. Put a bit of JC Geog to the test. Until my next blog!!!

Nathan - Ordinary Level

So Paper 2.  Well it went better than I expected to be honest. Section 2 threw me off a little bit but other than that I don't think i could have asked for a better Paper 2.
Everything I had studied for came up so I don't have too much to give out about.  I'll blog again tomorrow

 Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.

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Junior Cert English

 Mark - Higher Level

 So today was the first day of the exams and first up was English papers 1 and 2. Paper one is generally easy enough and allows you to be fairly creative with the personal writing section in particular. I decided to go straight into the personal writing section of paper 1 and as per usual did the speech, opposing the motion that said sport brings out the best in people. I generally like speeches as they allow you to use humour whilst getting logical points across and I also managed to save a bit of time from that one too. I decided to do the functional writing next choosing to write a leaflet for a school talent show and that was easy again. Media Studies was no bother either and the newspapers question wasn't any trouble to answer on. The Reading Comprehension was okay and there weren't any troubles there either. Paper one was grand and I was in a good mood heading into Paper 2.paper two is always tight for time but I had worked on it so I wasn't in too much trouble with it. I had plenty of quotes prepared for my studied drama (Romeo and Juliet), my poetry (Sonnet 29, also by Shakespeare, and also a few war poems just for choice) and my novel was Of Mice and Men by John Steinback.  So at the beginning of the second paper I had the choice between an unstudied Shakespearian drama or another unstudied. I chose the other which was an extract from Educating Rita by Willy Russell and I quite liked it and was glad to have a choice of two of the three questions on it. For the studied drama question I chose the first choice regarding a character. I answered on Friar Lawrence and it really suited the question on my impressions of him and then how this progresses further on in the play. Poetry was my least favourite section of the paper but I think I still did well in it.   For the fiction section we were given The Prince of Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafón and I enjoyed reading it so I'll have to look at it over the Summer!   Overall English Paper 2 was easy enough although my hand feels like it will fall off after all of that writing! Day one finished now I'll have to get ready for Irish. :) 

Asha - Higher Level

 Well my hand is dead. For a subject I seriously dislike it was quite fair to be honest. Paper 1- I found the reading section easy enough, Qt 1 and Qt 2 were really clear all answers in the text. Qt 3 threw me a little, I had difficulty naming the characteristics but I managed in the end. The personal writing was very nice. I was hoping for a good topic for a descriptive essay but in the end settled for topic 4 which was loosely based on the first paragraph in the reading section. I wrote a personal essay incorporating school, motorways and dogs. Don't ask me how, I haven't a clue. But it was good I think I did well enough. Functional writing.. If you knew the review layout you were safe home. I went for the flyer though. I chose Qt 1 for the media studies. (a) was really nice, literally just the differences in copy, language, pictures etc. (b) was sort of confusing I wasn't sure if they were referring to the elements of a newspaper or otherwise. In the end I did both. My article for (c) could have been better. The paper was fair and there was a very broad range of things that was asked for giving everyone a choice and a chance to play to their strengths. Paper 2- Didn't even look at the Shakespeare drama having never looked at Shakespeare, straight to the other drama. I liked that they linked it with the reading section from paper 1 by taking a play from Anton Chekhov. I did Qt 1 and Qt 3. Qt 1 was tricky.. was something going on between Frank and Rita? I don't know, I wrote about what I thought may have been jealousy on Franks part and about the clear tension between the two. Opposing personalities and that. Qt 3 was grand. I had done a similar question in class. Same main aspects, lighting, posture, positioning and they way the spoke (intonation, emphasis). For the studied drama I did Qt 1 on the Bull. At the start he was arrogant and intimidating, later on he was remorseful, violent and his clear love of his son and the land show. Unseen poetry was cute :) I really liked it. I felt the parent was supportive with a fear of losing her child but also proud. I thought that it was like a metaphor or something for her growing up from childhood and/ or her decision to leave home. The title didn't surprise me at all. I rambled about poetic devices and commented on how the poet ended the poem. Studied poetry I did Qt. 2 The examiner is probably going to hate me after I did Midterm break but oh well. I had considered doing Qt. 1 but was glad I didn't because when I got home I saw they were looking for two poems. I chose people and spoke about growing up before their time and stuff. Don't remember exactly what I wrote but I'm confident enough. Is it just me or was there an overwhelming theme of despair, loss and fear this year? That's what I thought anyway. Especially after the Unseen fiction. What was that? Seriously. What was that meant to be? 'It'? Scary clowns and all that jazz. I did Qt 1 and Qt 2. First one was grand no tricks, it was clear how his opinion differed. Second one was just a commentary on descriptive writing and other effective writing devices. My studied novel was, 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.' I think it is safe to say I hate that book at this point. I chose Qt 1 as the better of two evils. I think I ended part a with something about how, yes I found that world unfair and unfortunately it is this one. At least I kept with their theme. For (b) I spoke about how Bruno betrayed Shmuel and Kotler was a bully. Generally people are a big issue. So yeah that was English :P Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.

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Leaving Cert English Paper 1

Dylan - Higher Level

 Wow what a day it has been. I woke up greeted by bundle of nerves and a knotted stomach. Today was the day. It was English Paper One!! As I sat down in the exam hall and received my answer book, I started filling everything in and had the page folded open and ready to start. I always jump to Section II first and start with the essay as I find it is the longest and it generally decides your overall grade in English. It has for me over the past six years! I looked at the titles once I received the paper and started to die inside. There's always that sense of failure once you scan through the paper because the questions aren't exactly as you prepared. Having calmed down I realised that the first option which was a speech titled ''We live in an un-heroic age'' was an essay I could write on using the essay I wrote on in the mocks on celebrity culture. I pretty much made it fit anyways talking about how celebrities are considered heroes when they really aren't etc. After finishing my four pages in a record breaking 50 minutes, I no longer felt pressured and started reading the three texts. The first one was horrible, the second one was ok and the third one wasn't great either. Having picked text two I started to write to realise it was a handy comprehension. It was an interview with short story writer William Trevor and his approach to writing etc. I finished all questions after one hour which was a bit too long but I was still on track. I looked at Question B then to find that the best one was on Text 2 but No! Dylan answered on Question A making it not possible to answer the Question B on Text 2. As I started complaining to myself I notice how the other two Question B's were dreadful. An introduction for a book and a recommendation of a place in Ireland for tourists to visit. Neither appealed to me so I sat there for about ten minutes complaining how unfair it was. Time was sliding by and I still hadn't started my Question B. 20 minutes remained on the clock and I did an eenie meainie on the two Question B's. I was left with the recommendation and chose Thomond Park. As I started spluttering out all types of cheesy and cringey lines about Thomond Park and how it was a place where magic happened(Yes, I made it out to be like Disneyland). I really do turn into such a creep when I am writing, effects of the Leaving Cert violating my brain and almost leaving me mentally unstable. As I came to page two of throwing cringey sentences down on the paper, the test had finished and the fun part had come. Oh boy did I like sealing the exam with the sticky bit and treasury tag. That is how exciting my life has been the past month. Can't wait for English II tomorrow. If Plath, Mahon or Bishop don't appear on the paper then I mightn't be mentally available to blog tomorrow evening. If there isn't a blog post then you'll understand I hope! Until tomorrow!!!! 

Jessica - Higher Level

 As I flicked through the pink pages on English paper one I was delighted! None of the questions that I feared appeared but nothing I was rooting for did either! Where was the usual diary entry from question B?? I was quite shocked at the question A's, they were a lot easier than any of the ones I looked through in panic yesterday evening! The theme of the page was 'story-telling' - a very nice one in my opinion! Text 1 of the comprehension was an edited text based on an article 'Tune in Next Week - The Curious Staying Power of the Cliff-hanger' on my first glance at the title and images I thought it was about death I was awful confused upon reading it to find out it was actually about the cliff-hanger endings in tv programmes! This text was my chosen question B - unfortunately the question B's were not good ones at all. The question was to write the text of a talk you would deliver in which you consider the role of tv and radio in the lives on young people today. It was terrible but I'm not sure rambling on about the development of technology was what they were looking for, I'm quite disappointed to say the least. Text two was an interview with Irish writer, William Trevor, on The Art of Fiction, conducted for the Paris Review by Mira Stout. During the exam I only glanced over this one as I wasn't overly keen on either question A or B and I'm not a fan of interviews! I was delighted with text 3. It was the edited text of an article from the Irish Times by Belinda McKeon ''New York stories on a Perfect Platform' celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the opening of New Yorks Grand Central Station! It's was a really interesting article! This was my chosen question A, I feel it was definitely the easiest of the three. I was extremely happy with how it went, so much better than I expected! Although they weren't horrific, I feel the long compositions were extremely specific. There was a speech, two personal essays, a descriptive essay (never seen that before?!), a feature article and a short story. Usually I would opt for the article, I love writing them but I wasn't keen on it this year at all, it was to discuss the competing attractions of both urban and rural lifestyles, seeing as I've lived near the city for so long I don't think i could have made a good argument for the attraction of rural lifestyle at all! I chose question 7, the short story which was about a reunion. Have to say again I definitely felt it was easiest and after giving the exam a post mortem afterwards with my friends, it was the most popular choice! My essay was loosely based on the idea of the popular show Homeland but of course putting my own twist on it. It's such a relief to have the first exam over with and I'm glad it wasn't too horrific! 

Jenny - Higher Level

 As the examiner told us we could start, there was a rustle of paper as the pages were turned and the texts and composition titles were sought. We were like race horses out of their boxes, raring to go. I immediately looked at the titles and tried to settle down into the first exam which sat before me. I started with the Question A and chose text three as I preferred the Question B from the first text. I had been hoping a letter would come up but a talk on the importance of television and radio in young people's lives didn't seem too terrible. All in all the paper wasn't too bad which seemed to be the general consensus of my fellow students. The composition titles weren't too bad and were quite broad and there seemed to be something for everyone. With paper 1 it's hard to know how well you have done. I'm just grateful for the first test to be done and dusted so we can move on to paper 2 which should be interesting. I wonder if Plath will make an appearance this year... 

Nathan - Ordinary Level

 Paper 1 has to have been one of the best papers I've ever done. Obviously I was nervous walking in this morning first exam I didn't know what to expect but boy was I wrong for being nervous. When I opened the paper I had a quick look through it and read through the comprehensions and decided what Q-A and what Q-B I was going to do.  I soon realised that Micheal McIntyre's autobiography was the Q-3 this made my day as he is my favourite comedian and I have read his book 2-3 times so had a fairly good idea how to answer the questions.  The composition was even better. I'm usually fairly good at writing speeches so the Q-7 was the one for me. so far so good.  I'll blog again tomorrow  Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.

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ISSU NSE Declaration

National Student Executive Results Declaration 2013 - 2014

PRESIDENTMark Caffrey, Ratoath CollegeDEPUTY PRESIDENTDeclan Burgess, Cashel Community SchoolEDUCATION OFFICERRobert C O’ Donnell, St. Ailbe's Secondary SchoolEQUALITY OFFICERConor Lynott, Coláiste Eamonn RisINTERNATIONAL OFFICERRobert F O’ Donnell, Abbey CBSOIFIGEACH NA GAEILGEDonnagh Crowe, Abbey CBSSECRETARYAoife Kennedy, Larkin Community CollegePUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICERNathan O’ Connor, Colaiste Eamonn RisSTUDENT COUNCIL SUPPORT OFFICERAsha Aisling Doris, Confey Community CollegeWELFARE OFFICERShahed Warreth, Maryfield College In line with the provisions as outlined in the ISSU Constitution, I hereby return DYLAN GRACE as honorary president of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union for 2013-2014. 


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Minister Ruairi Quinn to Address Irish Second-Level Students' Union AGM

Minister Ruairi Quinn to Address Irish Second-Level Students' Union AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union is taking place this Wednesday March 27th; from 11am until 4pm, in the Clocktower Building, Dept. Of Education and Skills, Marlborough Street, Dublin1. Second-level students from across the country will meet together to discuss issue which affect them, with a particular focus this year on bullying in schools. Minister for Education and Skills Ruairi Quinn will deliver the keynote address at 3pm, and former governor of Mountjoy will address delegates about tackling bullying in schools at 2:40pm.ISSU President and Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh student, Dylan Grace said; ‘When students are consulted on matters affecting them, the conversation changes. We have seen over the past year, that nodding to student voice is ineffective and is a barrier to real change, and engaging with the student voice leads to a better education system for everyone. The ISSU has now proven than we can and should be trusted as a partner in education and achieving this is a key goal for our organisation.  I am delighted that Minister Ruairi Quinn will address today’s AGM, and hope that he recognises the importance of engaging with students in a meaningful way in all aspects of second-level education reform.’ 

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