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JC Materials Technology (Wood)

James (Higher Level)

In the afternoon I had my final exam, Materials Technology (Wood). I like Materials Technology (Wood) and I enjoyed the exam as I didn't find it too difficult and the paper consisted of some nice questions. The exam was two hours long and I completed all required questions. I was in great form coming out of school today.I felt the Junior Certificate went well for me and I enjoyed it. I have worked hard for the last three years and believe that made all the difference. I will start my Transition Year in September. I'm looking forward to the experience and the activities that will be held outside the school and beyond. I will celebrate the end of my exams with family and friends. This probably will not last too long however, as I'm back to work full time at the stud next week. I'm looking forward to the summer and with this weather it will have to be great! Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family, my friends, my principal, my teachers and my superintendent for helping me complete the Junior Cert.The summer is eventually here, lets make it a good one! So that’s my lot lads. All the best, James

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JC Technical Graphics

Roisin (Higher Level)

Today I had tech graph, my last exam! I felt it went well too, and it was a nice way to end the exams. I was able too answer the ten required short questions without too much trouble, and the four required long questions. For the long questions I picked question 1, 3, 5 and 6. I didn't run into any problems with them, except for the tangent in question six, which I'm not sure if I did the right way. All together I think the paper went well, and it feels great to be finally finished!I'm really glad to be finished, and I don't think it was as bad as I thought it was going to be! I think it is made out to be far worse and a bigger deal than it actually was, really it was just like summer exams. I think maybe if there wasn't so much build-up about it by schools, then it wouldn't be as big a deal for students going into it. I didn't find the exams as stressful as I thought I would, and I think it was because of the long breaks in between, where I was able to revise with my friends, and some days even in the sunshine! I think throughout the year, particularly at the beginning, I could have done more consistent revision, instead of just taking out the books for an hour on a Sunday afternoon so I didn't feel guilty! It might have saved me some late nights of frantically trying to revise an entire subject in one go!I think that the Junior Cycle could use a level in between higher and ordinary. I know lots of people that feel that they can't tackle subjects at higher level but find ordinary level too easy and frustrating, or don't want to do ordinary level but struggle with the higher level course. I think the only paper that should be changed is the maths papers. I think there should be a choice within the paper instead of having six set questions, I think it would make the paper less daunting for students. Other than that, I don't think there was much else that needs to be changed!My friends and I are officially starting summer today because we all finished today or yesterday so we are going to Eddie Rockets to celebrate our freedom! It feels great to be finished and I really enjoyed doing this blog!Happy Holidays!Roisin

James (Higher Level)

Today was the final day of my Junior Certificate Examinations. This morning I had my Technical Graphics exam. This exam was three hours long and consisted of short answer questions and four long answer questions. I felt that this was a tough exam and that the final long answer question (Q6) was particularly difficult. However, I answered every question and think all my answers were decent and relevant.

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JC Religion


Religion was quite hard and I was right up to the time at the end but I managed to answer everything. I answered fifteen of the short questions, just to be safe, questions two, three and four of section two, section three, questions three, four five and six in section four and question four in section five. It was a lot of writing but I think it was okay!I have the day off tomorrow, and my last exam is tech graph on Monday!

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JC Science

Roisin (Higher Level)

Today we had science in the morning and religion in the afternoon. Science went well, I think, I was able to answer all the biology and chemistry questions fairly easily. The physics was a little bit harder, and I wasn't sure about a few of the questions, but all in all I felt the paper went pretty well.

James (Higher Level)

This morning I had my Science exam. I thought this exam would be quite tough and I was trying to put the nerves to the back of my head before the exam started. However, as I read through the paper, I was surprised not to see too many tough questions. It was challenging but equally satisfying when I filled in all answers with good detail. I finished the exam with some time to spare and was satisfied coming out of the school. This is the start of my long weekend before my Materials Technology (Wood) exam and my Technical Graphics exam on Monday. Talk then, James.

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JC History

Roisin (Higher Level)

This afternoon, we had history… probably my worst subject. I was lucky in that the paper was fairly simple, and I think I'll have done okay. The picture and documents questions were fine, and I was able to answer the required ten out of twenty short questions. For my people in history question, I chose an archaeologist and Robespierre. I was able to answer question 5 pretty well, I think, and I chose questions A and B for question 6, the Renaissance and Social Change. All in all, history went better than I thought it would, so I was pleased with that! On tomorrow's schedule is science in the morning and religion in the afternoon.

James (Higher Level)

This afternoon, I had History. I answered all six questions and felt I was spoiled for choice as all the chapters and notes that I had studied came up on the paper. This was a nice exam and I'm happy with the way it went for me. I have my Science exam tomorrow morning so I'll keep studying for that one tonight.

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JC French

Roisin (Higher Level)

Today we had French and history. The day started with French and I felt that it went pretty well. The listening section was easy enough; I think I only missed one or two answers. The reading comprehensions were all fine, except for number nine which was pretty tricky. The letter wasn't too bad either, I had all the vocab for it and I hope, all the right verbs! The short note was easier than the letter, I thought, but it usually is! Overall, I thought French was fine!

James (Higher Level)

This morning I had my French exam. This exam started with the tape section which was not too difficult to understand or answer. There were then several comprehensions to be answered in English. For the final part of the exam, I had to write a note and a letter in French. Learning my notes helped with this part of the exam. The last comprehension was tough but I feel the whole exam went well.

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