JC History

Roisin (Higher Level)

This afternoon, we had history… probably my worst subject. I was lucky in that the paper was fairly simple, and I think I'll have done okay. The picture and documents questions were fine, and I was able to answer the required ten out of twenty short questions. For my people in history question, I chose an archaeologist and Robespierre. I was able to answer question 5 pretty well, I think, and I chose questions A and B for question 6, the Renaissance and Social Change. All in all, history went better than I thought it would, so I was pleased with that! On tomorrow's schedule is science in the morning and religion in the afternoon.

James (Higher Level)

This afternoon, I had History. I answered all six questions and felt I was spoiled for choice as all the chapters and notes that I had studied came up on the paper. This was a nice exam and I'm happy with the way it went for me. I have my Science exam tomorrow morning so I'll keep studying for that one tonight.


LC Biology


JC French