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History - #JC2017 - Ellen Kenny

 Ellen Kenny​ - Meánscoil Mhuire LongfordI thought history went really well today. The mock exam was definitely a good prediction for what would come up in the real thing, like how a person living in Rome came up for both exams and the renaissance came up for both in question 6. I was a bit discouraged when Martin Luther didn't come up as a people in history question, but I was able to get enough information together to write about a factory worker. I've always really liked history so I'm glad the questions allowed me to act to the best of my ability. I have only three left now, so I'm definitely anticipating the moment when I finally walk out of my last exam! #StateExams2017

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2013 Exam Blog, JC Blog (2013) admin 2013 Exam Blog, JC Blog (2013) admin

Junior Cert History

Katelyn - Higher Level

 History was very good this year. The first three questions were grand and handy. I was very pleased with question four, the people in history question. Martin Luther and Columbus came up and I knew them inside out. Happy out. Question five was fine. It was on the Plantations. Nothing too challenging there. For question six, the Renaissance and WW2 came up so that suited me down to the ground. Overall, a good paper.  Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.

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2013 Exam Blog, JC Blog (2013) admin 2013 Exam Blog, JC Blog (2013) admin

Junior Cert Geography

Asha - Higher Level

  Such a nice paper, like always. Volcanoes made an appearance in the short questions as did rivers,  unexpected but doable. The expected question on precipitation also made an appearance. Took about twenty minutes to do section 1 and check over it.Section 2 had good choices. The ever reliable limestone and the Burren related question along with mass movement was a great first, flew through it. I did the geographical mix A-C. Got to practise my history question on plantations when they asked for an organised migration and it's results. Usually I avoid the OS map this time though I gave it a go as it was a handy little thing that could be done quickly. Still had five minutes to spare at the end. Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.

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JC History

Roisin (Higher Level)

This afternoon, we had history… probably my worst subject. I was lucky in that the paper was fairly simple, and I think I'll have done okay. The picture and documents questions were fine, and I was able to answer the required ten out of twenty short questions. For my people in history question, I chose an archaeologist and Robespierre. I was able to answer question 5 pretty well, I think, and I chose questions A and B for question 6, the Renaissance and Social Change. All in all, history went better than I thought it would, so I was pleased with that! On tomorrow's schedule is science in the morning and religion in the afternoon.

James (Higher Level)

This afternoon, I had History. I answered all six questions and felt I was spoiled for choice as all the chapters and notes that I had studied came up on the paper. This was a nice exam and I'm happy with the way it went for me. I have my Science exam tomorrow morning so I'll keep studying for that one tonight.

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