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JC Science

Roisin (Higher Level)

Today we had science in the morning and religion in the afternoon. Science went well, I think, I was able to answer all the biology and chemistry questions fairly easily. The physics was a little bit harder, and I wasn't sure about a few of the questions, but all in all I felt the paper went pretty well.

James (Higher Level)

This morning I had my Science exam. I thought this exam would be quite tough and I was trying to put the nerves to the back of my head before the exam started. However, as I read through the paper, I was surprised not to see too many tough questions. It was challenging but equally satisfying when I filled in all answers with good detail. I finished the exam with some time to spare and was satisfied coming out of the school. This is the start of my long weekend before my Materials Technology (Wood) exam and my Technical Graphics exam on Monday. Talk then, James.

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JC History

Roisin (Higher Level)

This afternoon, we had history… probably my worst subject. I was lucky in that the paper was fairly simple, and I think I'll have done okay. The picture and documents questions were fine, and I was able to answer the required ten out of twenty short questions. For my people in history question, I chose an archaeologist and Robespierre. I was able to answer question 5 pretty well, I think, and I chose questions A and B for question 6, the Renaissance and Social Change. All in all, history went better than I thought it would, so I was pleased with that! On tomorrow's schedule is science in the morning and religion in the afternoon.

James (Higher Level)

This afternoon, I had History. I answered all six questions and felt I was spoiled for choice as all the chapters and notes that I had studied came up on the paper. This was a nice exam and I'm happy with the way it went for me. I have my Science exam tomorrow morning so I'll keep studying for that one tonight.

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