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Junior Cert Music

Keela - Higher Level

After a bit of difficulty with the c.d player, music finally started. I found that the listening was quite easy for all sections. I liked that way that for the set work question they asked you what "Farandole" was so it gave away what the first answer was. I also found the dictation quite easy and not as hard as past dictations. The chosen song we had to answer about was from the category of Musicals and operas. I was quite happy with this as I looked over the answer for this before the exam as I didn't get it right in the mocks :) The general study was easy as you know for definite what you need to learn. I was quite happy with the exam as were other music students in my year. :)

Please note: this post reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Unio

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Junior Cert Home Economics

Sophie - Higher Level

My final exam, Home Economics.I started with the short questions. I could answer the sort of business question great. The short questions were manageable and I found I could answer them well. In the long questions I did Q1, Q3, Q4 and Q6.The predictable question one, nutrition. It was the easiest along side with question three. It was a business based question, I was very happy.Question 4 was about the tooth. I vaguely remembered, but I answered it. Question 6 was about fabric and furniture. It was good. The paper was easier than I expected and I was relieved when I was done. Now all the exams are over now its finally Summer!


Keela - Higher Level

I thought the home.ec went quite well. I went in and started off with the short questions I did as many as I could and then went to the long questions and was happy to find a food table where we had to write about the nutritive value of wholemeal bread and write a menu. I then answered the question on the teeth which I also found quite easy. I then did the consumers question and the question on home appliances. I found the second part of the consumer question to be a bit hard but other then that I thought the long questions went quite well. I then went back to the short questions to see if I could answer more. In the end I didn't answer 2 so I was happy .

 Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. 

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Junior Cert German

Sophie - Higher Level

Today was the German exam, even though I did pretty bad in the mocks, it was hard to be nervous. It was my second last exam. We began with the listening test. It wasn't overly hard, but as usual, I ended up guessing one or two answers. Then we had matching advertisements activity and an another more detailed advert, they were both very easy. Then we had two comprehensions, I was suprised that I could understand them. I happily went on to answering the questions that followed. But then the letter came along. The first couple of paragraphs went okay, but I found it got really hard towards the end. The short note was next. I knew it was an easy one but I was completely blank for words. I wasn't very confident, but I wrote it to the best of my ability. I had about 10 minutes at the end to look over everything. To say the least, I think it went well in the end.

Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. 

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Junior Cert CSPE


Before the exam, my friend and I were joking with his Dad; saying if you put Eamon Gilmore for every answer you will get an A. Even if it asks who Michael D. Higgins is? And of course the man himself was on the first page... So when we began me and my friend just looked at each other and started pissing ourselves laughing. Nobody had a clue what we were on about. But anyways...CSPE... what can I say it's an "Easy A". No doubt about it it's an easy exam. Who else did the "Design a poster" Question? ;) Easiest marks I've ever got. The long Questions that did come up were very fair, you couldn't ask for a more lovely paper after Maths! I was happy with it anyways... That's all I have to say. Thanks for reading.

Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

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Junior Cert Maths Paper 2

Alex - Higher Level


I found this to be a very fair paper. It was challenging but I was still able to do it. Like Paper 1 I found it to be easier than the Mocks but still relatively hard. I'll admit I was finished earlier than I thought I would be but I was happy with what I got done. Some questions, for example, the theorems question I found to be quite difficult as I couldn't remember the diagram... Until I saw it on the next page. The next question was literally the answer to the one before it. I was grateful for that. Overall I found the Paper very doable and fair. I finished the exam a little early but that gave me enough time to have a good look over the whole paper. Thanks for reading!

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Junior Cert Maths Paper 1

Alex - Higher Level

The myth has been confirmed! I definitely found that exam easier than the Mocks, hands down. I know, however, that some people found it difficult and confusing; I was talking with some friends and classmates who felt this way but we all have different opinions. I, personally, found the exam to be not so hard, at least not as hard as I thought it would be. I did find some parts to fairly tricky.I found the Venn Diagram Questions to be quite difficult, they really made me think. The last question, Q.14, I found the hardest and most frustrating; because I knew what they were on about but couldn't remember how to do it. I had 40mins left so I took a deep breath and thought about for a good 10mins. Eventually I remembered and I was able to finish the Paper in good time, with time left over to check the whole thing twice.Overall I found it to be an alright exam, I feel I did well; although as I said, there were harder parts than others. But it was definitely easier than the Mocks (for me anyways).That's all I have to say, I'll be back on Monday with Maths Paper 2! YAY!! Can't wait!!* *I was being sarcastic

 Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.

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