Junior Cert Home Economics

Sophie - Higher Level

My final exam, Home Economics.I started with the short questions. I could answer the sort of business question great. The short questions were manageable and I found I could answer them well. In the long questions I did Q1, Q3, Q4 and Q6.The predictable question one, nutrition. It was the easiest along side with question three. It was a business based question, I was very happy.Question 4 was about the tooth. I vaguely remembered, but I answered it. Question 6 was about fabric and furniture. It was good. The paper was easier than I expected and I was relieved when I was done. Now all the exams are over now its finally Summer!


Keela - Higher Level

I thought the home.ec went quite well. I went in and started off with the short questions I did as many as I could and then went to the long questions and was happy to find a food table where we had to write about the nutritive value of wholemeal bread and write a menu. I then answered the question on the teeth which I also found quite easy. I then did the consumers question and the question on home appliances. I found the second part of the consumer question to be a bit hard but other then that I thought the long questions went quite well. I then went back to the short questions to see if I could answer more. In the end I didn't answer 2 so I was happy .

 Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. 


Leaving Cert Physics


Junior Cert German