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Junior Cert Home Economics

Sophie - Higher Level

My final exam, Home Economics.I started with the short questions. I could answer the sort of business question great. The short questions were manageable and I found I could answer them well. In the long questions I did Q1, Q3, Q4 and Q6.The predictable question one, nutrition. It was the easiest along side with question three. It was a business based question, I was very happy.Question 4 was about the tooth. I vaguely remembered, but I answered it. Question 6 was about fabric and furniture. It was good. The paper was easier than I expected and I was relieved when I was done. Now all the exams are over now its finally Summer!


Keela - Higher Level

I thought the home.ec went quite well. I went in and started off with the short questions I did as many as I could and then went to the long questions and was happy to find a food table where we had to write about the nutritive value of wholemeal bread and write a menu. I then answered the question on the teeth which I also found quite easy. I then did the consumers question and the question on home appliances. I found the second part of the consumer question to be a bit hard but other then that I thought the long questions went quite well. I then went back to the short questions to see if I could answer more. In the end I didn't answer 2 so I was happy .

 Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. 

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JC Blog (2010) admin JC Blog (2010) admin

JC Materials Technology (Wood)

James (Higher Level)

In the afternoon I had my final exam, Materials Technology (Wood). I like Materials Technology (Wood) and I enjoyed the exam as I didn't find it too difficult and the paper consisted of some nice questions. The exam was two hours long and I completed all required questions. I was in great form coming out of school today.I felt the Junior Certificate went well for me and I enjoyed it. I have worked hard for the last three years and believe that made all the difference. I will start my Transition Year in September. I'm looking forward to the experience and the activities that will be held outside the school and beyond. I will celebrate the end of my exams with family and friends. This probably will not last too long however, as I'm back to work full time at the stud next week. I'm looking forward to the summer and with this weather it will have to be great! Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family, my friends, my principal, my teachers and my superintendent for helping me complete the Junior Cert.The summer is eventually here, lets make it a good one! So that’s my lot lads. All the best, James

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