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Officer Blog: Equality Officer - Eric Ehigie

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our Equality Officer, Eric Ehigie from Longford.

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our Equality Officer, Eric Ehigie from Longford.

 I ran to become the Equality Officer as I wanted to bring a unique perspective to the role that has not been seen in the past. I am a fervent believer that equality is a right that all should have access to within and beyond the walls of the school and I wanted to work on emphasising the importance of guaranteeing that right to students. I also wanted to show people, by simply sitting on the executive, that ISSU is an organisation for all and regardless of your background, ethnicity or creed, you have a crucial role to play in the youth movement and your second-level student union. 

This year, I’ve worked on compiling as much data as I can about how students have been treated within the school environment- I’ve done this by releasing a survey on ‘Discrimination and Diversity’ in schools and also, by organising an Equality Consultation, which will hopefully take place at some point in the future. I have also gathered a diverse bundle of students to make an ‘Equality Team’. The Team help me to effectively carry out the goals on my manifesto that I was elected to complete and they bring forth a different viewpoint on the work I do as the Equality Officer, which has helped me greatly. I have led various projects and campaigns throughout the year also, such as the #WeAreOne campaign.

I would advise incoming NSE members to be yourself! You are elected for what you have to offer and for how you see the issues that are effecting students. Trust your abilities, and understand that you can bring things to the table that no one else can. 

I loved every moment spent on the NSE. I have met incredible people, made incredible friends, bettered myself and have learned so much about the power that young people have to yield change in Ireland. 


For more info on how to run for the NSE click here. Remember deadline to nominate yourself is the 26th or April!

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Officer Blog: International Officer- Nadine Toye

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our International Officer, Nadine Toye from Donegal

In the lead up to our Online Annual Assembly, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Here we have our International Officer, Nadine Toye from Donegal

This time last year I was preparing to run a campaign to get elected as the International Officerof ISSU. There were a number of reasons why I was running, but the biggest one was my love for international work and my belief that second-level students have to be represented to highest standard internationally. Throughout my term I have immersed myself into the world of international student politics and I've gained so many new experiences and knowledge that I was always able to bring back for the benefit of ISSU and second-level students in Ireland. To anyone that is considering running for international officer 2020-2021 I would say that you have to be prepared to put in the work, and a lot of it too! But everything that you put in comes back to you tenfold and it is so so worth it. As I said in my speech at last years Annual Assembly, being international officer is not a ticket to go sightseeing, it is instead an opportunity to work extremely hard for a cause that you believe in, while meeting amazing people and lifelong friends along the way. My favorite NSE memory of the year was definitely when we went ice skating together in December and I didn't have a clue what I was doing, hanging on to Gearoid and Eiman for dear life as the two of them dragged me around the rink! For me, being on the NSE for the past two years has given me a family of some of the best people dotted all around the country and that's why I would always recommend to everyone to get more involved with ISSU. 


For more info on how to run for the NSE click here. Remember deadline to nominate yourself is the 26th or April!

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ISSU Simple Steps to Study & Be Safe

The ISSU ,whilst continuing to advocate for clarity on exams for students,have put together some tips for motivating students to continue their studies and stay safe!

The ISSU recognises that it is a massive challenge to students, particularly those in exam years, to study at home in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. School is more than just studying for exams. For a lot of people it is where they express themselves, whether through their sport, music or other creative outlets .It is their support network and an outlet to socialise with their friends. It is understandable and totally okay if students feel overwhelmed or anxious at the prospect of studying at home for the next while.In these unprecedented times it is important to remain positive and do your best to cope with the uncertain circumstances. Hopefully some of these tips will help you to get through the days and weeks ahead.

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#ClarificationNow: ISSU Campaign for Clarity on the 2020 State Examinations

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU), as the national representative body of second-level students, is calling on the Minister for Education and Skills to provide clarity on the contingency plans being arranged for the 2020 State Examinations. 

The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the nation of Ireland and the ISSU recognises the huge effort and steps the government is taking to protect the public. The ISSU continues to follow, support and promote the Health Service Executive guidelines for the well-being and safety of all our members. However, in these unprecedented times, for thousands of examination students across Ireland, there is an immense feeling of uncertainty and anxiety as each student eagerly awaits for information regarding their exams. 

The ISSU is asking the Minister for Education and Skills, to include the student voice in finalising these contingency plans. The ISSU is requesting to be involved in setting a clear deadline for when these decisions will be disseminated to the public and to assist in providing clear steps to be taken to ensure fairness and quality for all students and stakeholders involved. 

President of the ISSU, Ciara Fanning commented “This is a hugely difficult and confusing time for everyone, but particularly for students who are due to sit State Exams in June. Having built up to these exams this year and previous school years there is huge pressure to perform well, and students are now unsure when they will be sitting the exams or if they will happen at all. This makes it incredibly difficult to focus on study and preparation for the exams. We need clarity immediately on the State Exams to put students at ease and reduce the immense stress and confusion they are already feeling at this time.”

Student welfare is paramount at this difficult time and reinforces the need to receive clarification as soon as possible on proposed plans that will impact the students' futures. The ISSU will continue to advocate that students, as key stakeholders in their education, are consulted and included in any decisions to be made regarding their education in the coming weeks and months.

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ISSU Asks Department for Immediate Clarity on Exam Provisions

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union welcomes the decision to close schools and centres of education as a precautionary measure to stop the spread of COVID-19,however it is noted that this is a particularly stressful and worrying time for their members. 

Students and other stakeholders in education are now facing a period of uncertainty awaiting departmental decisions to be made. The ISSU understands that this is a particularly difficult time for students in exam years who would have been working on oral and project based examinations at this time. It should be noted that oral examinations have been postponed and new dates will be circulated when schools recommence. 

The ISSU has today contacted the Department of Education asking for clarity for exam students and for decisions surrounding the state exams to be made as soon as possible. Student welfare during this time should be of top priority and keeping students updated and informed in a reasonable timeframe is an essential element of this. 

The most important factor in all of this is student health and safety. We encourage all of our members to follow HSE guidelines, in particular implementing good hygiene practices. 

The ISSU will endeavour to ensure that students as key stakeholders in their education are consulted and included in any decisions to be made regarding their education in the coming weeks and months.

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Officer Blog: Secretary - Luke Casserly

In the lead up to Annual Assembly, our NSE officers want to give members and potential election candidates an insight into their roles.

In the lead up to Annual Assembly and the closing of nominations for the NSE on the 1st of April, our current NSE want to give our members and potential candidates an insight into their roles. Starting off with our Secretary, Luke Casserly, from Longford.

Over the past year, I've been delighted to be serving as the ISSU NSE Secretary. It's been my second year in a row to fill this role! I ran for the position because I love organization and I'm mad about typing in Google Docs. I also feel it's a flexible role that allows you to work on a variety of topics. This year, I've been delighted to help bring organization to the work of the NSE, whether it be by making an agenda and minutes for each meeting or helping to organize events. My personal highlight of the year was co-ordinating the ISSU's work on Senator Paul Gavan's tipping bill which aimed to protect tips earned by workers. Being on the NSE has been the experience of a lifetime. I've met so many amazing activists who fill me with hope for the future! 

If I had a piece of advice for the incoming Secretary it'd be to stay on top of your emails and cherish every moment of your time in office! 


For more info on how to run for the NSE click here. Remember deadline to nominate yourself is the 26th of April!

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